

Step 1 - Schedule an Appointment

Make an appointment with our admissions counselor to get a tour and pick up any needed paperwork.  To make an appointment,  contact  Kathy Tucker at 765-455-2749 or email ktucker@redeemerkokomo.org.in.


Step 2 - Submit Paperwork

Fill out the request student records form and send to your child's school.  This is for students enrolling in kindergarten - 8th grade.  No applications will be considered without full academic file.  

The following items must be submitted to the school office:

  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of immunization records or waiver
  • Copy of current physical (well child check-up) within in the past year or confirmation from physician of date appointment is scheduled.     


Step 3 - Admissions and Placement Process

Our admissions counselor will contact you to make an appointment for a placement test once we receive your child's application, student records (for grades 1-8), and paperwork.   The placement test is for all new students enrolling in kindergarten - 8th grade.  Students enrolling for pre-school and pre-kindergarten will be screened by the early childhood director.  

Once placement testing is completed, the admissions counselor will consult with principal and appropriate grade level teacher.

After reviewing your child's application, placement test, and student records, the results will be emailed to you.


Step 4 - Finalize Enrollment 

If your child is accepted and placed, you will need to do the following:

  • Fill out the online enrollment form
    • Link will be emailed to you


For Students in Pre-school and Pre-kindergarten

  • Follow the steps above
  • Students need to be 3 for pre-school and 4 for pre-kindergarten by August 1
  • Students need to be fully potty-trained to attend: This includes no diapers and no pull-ups
  • All new students will be screened by the early childhood director